Changing the details of home decor creates a state of family peace

Changing the decor of the house is very important because of the positive energy it sends to all the family members, especially women, but turning it into obsession can cause a lot of problems between the couples because of its cost, especially if supervised by specialists in decoration, which increases the cost, Houses seek to make changes in their homes without the participation of design firms, giving them a sense of happiness and self-confidence.

Women respect husbands’ help in home improvement processes
A number of decorators have found that changing the home decor continuously creates a state of psychological comfort and family peace, increases family members’ ties to the home and contributes to the development of a sense of belonging and a desire to stay at home.

In a study conducted with the help of seven researchers from 200 countries in the United States, Britain, Austria, Canada, Belgium, Holland, France and Spain, Edgar Cooper, a decorator at IKEA, said that changing home decor by changing furniture locations between Time and place from place to place, create a good feeling for family members compared to families that keep the shape of home decor as it is for long periods.

The researchers noted that family members who constantly change the decor of the home have significantly improved their mood, increased desire to stay at home and increased their desire to sit together with the rest of the family. All individuals subject to research.

“Based on this study, we are decorators. We advise families around the world to change the details of home decor from time to time by moving furniture, changing rooms or changing the colors of chairs, changing tables, vases, carpeting, antiques and curtains from time to time,” Cooper said.

Those who do not have the material capacity for comprehensive change can only change places of furniture, which creates a very noticeable change in the behavior of family members
“It is preferable to switch home decor and furniture once every five years at least, which creates a lot of psychological and positive comfort in the general behavior, especially the family,” said the decorator. He pointed out that those who do not have the material capacity for comprehensive change can change places of furniture only once every two years, changing curtains between rooms, tabloids, and antiques from one place to another. This creates a very noticeable change in the behavior of family members and behavior. The family is special.

A survey by Home & Gardens, global home design, and lifestyle group, found that many Arab women prefer to work on improving and developing the home themselves without the help of design and engineering consulting firms.

The survey surveyed 2,700 residents and residents of the GCC. The survey showed that one in three women, 33 percent, said that repairing the house, improving the interior design and painting the rooms without anyone’s help gave her a sense of comfort and relaxation.

Twenty-nine percent said they liked doing just that because they were fun and fun. Seventy-two percent of women who like home improvement and development said they had a great desire to learn new ways and techniques in this area. Fifty-four percent of women said they planned to do some home improvements themselves next year.

For her part, the introduction of the famous program “Renovation SOS” on Home & Gardens, Nicole Kurtz, commented on the results of the survey by confirming that the popularity of what is known as “do it yourself” is growing between housewives and working women alike. Many of them are interested in learning new ways and things to help them improve and develop their homes without referring to the opinion of specialists in this field.

“When you start house development yourself, you know you will be able to complete the improvement project within hours or even a few days. When you’re done, you’re thrilled and confident and ready to work on the next home improvement project. ”

“If you decide to do a home improvement project by hiring design and consulting firms, it may take longer to complete the project, and you may be surprised that this improvement project is getting bigger and bigger every day to drain your time and money. At some point, you may feel That you will never be able to complete the project, which in turn will make you feel frustrated and make you feel very reluctant when thinking about doing home improvement next time. ”

Every home needs a personal touch and a lot of emotion and feeling to turn into a home
Home & Gardens, known for its programs that specialize in home improvement and lifestyle enhancement, has introduced a number of professional stars and experts to home improvement and development, inspiring many and encouraging them to carry the hammer and chisel and to undertake home improvement and development in their own right, such as Joanna Gaines, “Break Up”, and Alex and Alan LeBlanc, the founders of the program “Lister Sisters”.

The twins Lex and Alan LeBlanc, who offer the Lester Sisters program on Home & Gardens, advised women who plan to change the interior design to take into account the essential thing that the beauty of design and optimal utilization of the interior spaces of the house are equally important. Affects the other.


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