Blending the modern decor bold and elegant .. You have the luxury black color


Some people are surprised that it is possible to get a home with elegance and black and modern touches, but it is known that black is the master of colors and elegance, and adds beauty and elegance to everything.

This is confirmed by the decorator Hoda Yafuri, saying that some touches can be made in black by adhering to certain rules and considered for an elegant home.

“When you choose the black color in your home decor, you should apply it in a medium or large room, and avoid using it in narrow rooms because it may increase the sense of its small size,” Huda said, adding that it is simple to apply in simple touches such as chairs or tables instead of wall paint.

All colors shine with black

The most beautiful colors that match the black color in the home decor, is white, gray, gold and “wooden”.

Combining one of these colors with the black color in the room makes them vibrant, elegant and sophisticated.

This does not mean that these are the only colors that can be applied with black color. Bold colors can be entered, such as fuchsia, green or blue, and the color will become brighter and more visible in the middle of the room.

Black enters the kitchen and bathroom

The black color of the home decor is not only applied to the living room but can be used in all the rooms of the house, from the bedrooms down to the office room, the kitchen or even the bathroom.

Black is no longer a color that carries the awe

Huda considers that the black color is no longer a dramatic color that carries with it awe, but it has become a modern color that introduces elegance to the home decor. The use of wooden doors and windows in black is very elegant.

The bold and elegant decor can be enhanced in the corners of the house through the use of mirrors in the black frame and coordinated with a black booklet and silver or white accessories, in addition to the use of black color in the bathroom and its adoption in ceramic cut-off makes it a luxurious bathroom and distinctive.

Magic effect on the house

Huda concludes that this color has a magical effect on all parts of the house because it expresses nobility, sophistication, and excellence in the world of decoration and has different rhythms, and is used with other colors to revitalize and highlight the place in a new suit on the level of detail, beauty, and quality.


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